Public Health – Prevent / Promote / Protect

The Ohio County Health Department is organized for the purpose of health promotion and communicable disease prevention for the entire Ohio County community. Risk education and public health awareness are directed toward individuals of all ages to achieve optimal health. The department will facilitate programs that educate, enforce, and provide services for the promotion and maintenance of a healthy environment in Ohio County. The Ohio County Health Department serves to prevent, promote and protect the public health of Ohio County and its residents.

Click Main Headings below for more detailed information on each topic.


Yaomiao Children’s Jewelry Sets Recalled Due to Risk of Lead and Cadmium Poisoning; Violations of the Federal Lead Content Ban and Federal Hazardous Substances Act; Sold Exclusively on Amazon by LordRoads

Emergency Preparedness

  • Ohio County Health Department has developed plans and procedures in preparation for any threats to the public health and wellness of Ohio County.
  • We work closely with community partners and 1st responders to coordinate and share information in a public health emergency.
  • Vulnerable populations such as children and the elderly are at the forefront of preparedness planning.
  • Our plans are continuously updated and evolving to build the capabilities necessary to respond and recover from public health events.

Nursing Services

  • We offer Immunizations for adults and children that include TDAP, Pneumonia, Influenza, Covid-19, Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B, Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), and Shingles.
  • Blood pressure checks, Cholesterol, A1C Screenings, Lead and Iron Testing, TB tests, Strep Tests, Urinalysis, Pregnancy Tests and more.
  • CPR classes are offered through the American Heart Association.
  • Free Drug Testing Kits are available to parents who would like to test their kids for drug use.  Kits are provided by the Ohio-Dearborn County Prosecutor’s office and are available at the OCHD front desk.

Please call 812-438-2551 for an appointment.  We look forward to serving you!

Environmental Services

  • Services include oversite and inspection of Onsite Septic Systems, Food Safety and Restaurant and Food Truck Inspections.
  • Environmental issues such as mold, mosquito control, and other concerns are also addressed.


  • Ages 6 months and older may now schedule a COVID-19 vaccination appointment.
  • Getting vaccines if you recently had or currently have COVID-19.

If you recently had COVID-19, you still need to stay up to date with your vaccines, but you may consider delaying your vaccine by 3 months.  Reinfection is less likely in the weeks to months after infection.  However, certain factors could be reason to get a vaccine sooner rather than later, such as:

  1. Personal risk of severe disease.
  2. risk of disease in a loved one or close contact
  3. local COVID-19 hospital admission level
  • Walk-in appointments are also accepted at most vaccination sites, but registration is encouraged to ensure the appropriate dose is available at your chosen location.
  • People who are immunocompromised and aged 65 years and older who received 1 dose of any updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine (Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, or Novavax) should receive 1 additional dose of an updated 2024-2025 COVID-19 vaccine at least 2 months after the previous updated dose.

Smoking Cessation Program

Are you ready to break the habit, but don’t know where to start?  We have a service that will be just right for you.  QUIT NOW INDIANA has the following:

NRT Starter Kit

Free nicotine replacement therapy products (patches, lozenges, or gum) are available for eligible members while supplies last.

Email Program

Email messages will help members stay on track with their quit goals.

Quit Guide and Materials

Members receive a quit book that helps them stick with a personalized quitting plan.

Text Messaging (Text2Quit)

Text messages allow you to connect with your coach from your smartphone.


We now have a Naloxbox mounted on the front of the Health Department building.  Free intranasal Naloxone is available to those who are affected by or know someone who is affected by opioid addiction.  Instructions on how to administer naloxone are in the naloxbox.  Click on this link for immediate instructions.  How to Administer Intranasal Naloxone

If you would like more information about Naloxone or how to administer it, please contact the Public Health Nurse at 812-438-2551 Option 1